1. Which different courses did you follow at UPF?
Quels sont les différents cours que vous avez suivis à l’UPF ?
I took the courses that our entire group took -such as The Political Situation in Tahiti, Literature of the South Pacific, Polynesian Music, and Archaeology and Ancient Polynesian Civilization -but I also took a class on French Grammar."
2. What do you think about what you learned in these courses?
Que pensez-vous de ce que vous avez appris durant ces cours ?
I learned a lot about the history of Tahiti, namely about colonization and its effects on the culture, people, and land. I also was introduced to new vocabulary, grammar rules, and explanations about the French language."
3. What have you discovered of Tahiti and French Polynesia out of UPF?
Qu’avez-vous découvert de Tahiti et la Polynésie française en dehors de l’UPF ?
I’ve discovered some of the origins of Tahiti’s culture and how certain aspects of Tahitian lifestyle came to be. I’ve learned about different reactions to colonization over time and how it is still shaping the island today."
4. What about your experience in homestay family?
Parlez-nous de votre expérience en famille d’accueil.
From my homestay family I think I learned the most about the culture because I was able to experience it on my own (apart from the group). I was much more exposed to the language and therefore had to work a lot harder, but I was able to converse with a lot of people and ask them about their values, witnessing many firsthand, and how they view American culture."
5. Are you planning to come back in Tahiti later?
Prévoyez-vous de revenir à Tahiti plus tard ?
I definitely plan to return to Tahiti in the future. The only thing that would hold me back would be the cost."
6. Would you recommend this program to your friends at Simpson College?
Recommanderiez-vous ce programme à vos amis de Simpson College ?
I would recommend this program to students at Simpson because I think my experiences in French Polynesia have been incredibly valuable. I honestly don’t have that many complaints, and any issues that I encountered were rather minimal."